Why Am I in a Lion’s Den?

Their plot was devious—motivated by jealousy.

Daniel had gained the favor of King Darius and was about to be promoted as the top ruler, second only to the king. Unable to find any legitimate means to undermine Daniel’s influence,  the court officials conceived a foolproof plot.

They knew Daniel’s faith in his God was unflinching, unshakeable. They knew his great devotion of worship and prayer to the Lord God. And, this was where they perceived his weakness was—this unwavering devotion to his God. So they manipulated the king to sign an irrevocable death decree. Anyone who failed to worship the king and worship only him for 30 days would be thrown into the lions’ den to be devoured.

But when Daniel learned of the decree, he continued to do what he always did. He prayed! He knew it was a death sentence, but still he prayed. He knew he would be thrown into the lions’ den, a death decree even the king himself could not revoke, yet he still prayed.

His adversaries, believing they had set the perfect trap, found him as they expected—praying.  With masked delight, they apprehended him and took him to the king for the decree to be carried out.  With great reluctance, the king, knowing he had no choice but to enforce the irrevocable decree, ordered Daniel to be thrown into the lions’ den.

There was no last minute reprieve.

No sudden miracle of deliverance.

Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den!

If you had never read the account of Daniel’s life before, certainly it would be at this point you would have expected God to have stepped in with a miracle.  After all, Daniel had been faithful, he had refused to worship anyone except the Lord God.  So why didn’t God spare Daniel from being thrown the lions’ den? Why not spare him from such a fearful experience?

Because God had a greater miracle in store.  He would shut the lion’s mouth!  The greater miracle was keeping Daniel safe while he was in the lion’s den.  It was this miracle that became a convincing testimony to the king to the existence and power of the Lord.

Sometime we wonder why God doesn’t spare us from a Lion’s Den experience.  Perhaps like Daniel, God wants to do the greater miracle that becomes the greater testimony of His power and grace in our lives today.  Always remember, He still has the power to shut the lion’s mouth!

7 Responses

  1. William Cuppy
    William Cuppy April 16, 2018 at 5:06 pm |

    Great message, Joy…am looking forward to the lion’s mouth being closed in Tracie’s and my situations.

  2. Megan @NoSmallLife
    Megan @NoSmallLife April 16, 2018 at 8:01 pm |

    “God has a greater miracle in store!” Such great truth Joy, thanks for sharing!!

  3. Donna Shook
    Donna Shook April 17, 2018 at 10:47 pm |

    Great question and great answer!!!

  4. Susan
    Susan April 19, 2018 at 12:17 pm |

    So good Joy. Staying true is hard when you don’t know all the whys but knowing God loves you and has good things for you is what keeps my faith in Him strong. Trusting in Him!!

  5. Anonymous
    Anonymous May 2, 2018 at 8:22 pm |

    Thank you, Joy. Experiencing the fear and making it through instead of never facing it at all is certainly a powerful life lesson.

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