What’s Your Story?

The Psalmist wrote,

“Every day of my life was recorded in your book.”  (Ps. 139:16 Voice)

The Apostle John adds weight to this statement when he wrote in Revelation 20 that there are books that will be opened on the Day of Judgment – books that hold a record, an account of our lives.  There will be a day when the story of our life will be read.

A sobering thought.

So the question we must ask ourselves is this:  When stand before the Lord what will be the story that He reads to us?  Will it be . . .

a story of faith?

a story of obedience?

a story of prayer?

a story of sacrifice?

Will the story of our life delight the heart of Jesus and make Our heavenly Father rejoice?

Thankfully the One who will one day read our story on that Day of Judgment is the same One who desires to edit our story as it is being written today.  He who is the Author of our faith also desires to be the Editor of our lives.  When we fall short, when we mess up, when we sin, He can erase the sin from our story.

If we admit our sins . . . He’ll forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing.  (1 John 1:9 Voice)

I will erase their sins . . . (Heb. 8:12 Voice)

Jesus can take our mistakes, our false steps and failures, and rewrite our story.  He can transform a life’s story of regret and despair to one of victory and joy.  He can transform our story to one that will bring a smile across His face as He turns the pages and reads the narrative of our life.  Remember, the story that He wants to write for our lives is so much better than the one we try to write on our own.

My prayer:

Oh, Lord, let me not deviate from the plot, that divine plan you have purposed for my life.  When I stand before you, let my life’s story be filled with your divine assignments successfully completed.  Erase my sins.  Edit my mistakes.  Let my life tell the story of your love, your grace, and your mercy.  Amen.


3 Responses

  1. Bill & Tracie
    Bill & Tracie May 12, 2014 at 2:40 pm |

    He is continually convicting and convincing of sin in my life. Praise be to God who cleanses us from our wrongdoings.

  2. Debby
    Debby May 13, 2014 at 12:14 pm |

    Amen Joy! Let my life song sing to You!!

  3. Rachel
    Rachel May 15, 2014 at 6:54 pm |

    Thank you Joy for writing this. This brought conviction where there should be conviction. When I go to heaven someday I want God to say well done they good and faithful servet. And at this point in my life I am not totally there yet. Thank you for writing this because it brought much needed conviction in my life.

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