
As much as I am fascinated by the way a hummingbird is able to hover mid-air with wings flapping at a rate that almost blurs your vision, it is the soaring eagle that captures my awe.  There is no frantic flapping of its wings:  it’s a graceful gliding through the air that can best be expressed by the word “soar.”  Instead of expanding their energy flapping their wings, eagles know how to catch and ride the wind thermals.  Instead of hunkering down and avoiding a storm, eagles use the prevailing winds to propel them forward and soar over the storm. Perhaps this is why we read in Isaiah 43:31,

“But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.  They will soar high on wings like eagles.”

The storms of life provide us with the opportunity to make a choice:  to let the stormy winds beat us down or to trust in the Lord who gives us the strength to soar above the storm.  Instead of flapping furiously and frantically on our own, God gives us the wisdom and strength to use the turbulent winds of a storm to fly high, to use the storm to propel us forward.

Our family is in the midst of a storm as one of those we dearly love is facing brain surgery.  As a family, we have made the choice to trust Jesus.  We trust Him as He teaches us how to use the turbulent winds of this storm to soar, to rise above the storm where there is a calm.  As much as I love watching the frantic flapping of a hummingbird, I’m glad the Lord has instructed us to be like the eagle who soars!

18 Responses

  1. William Cuppy
    William Cuppy August 1, 2018 at 4:17 pm |

    We are all praying for him and that his surgery will take care of that thing on his brain. I soared when I found out I was going home instead of having my internal structure re-arranged. I believe that was an answer to prayer…so, for W. we believe God will answer all of our prayers for him.

  2. dale haynes
    dale haynes August 1, 2018 at 8:14 pm |

    Debby and I are praying that Wally will fully recover, that the doctors involved have the wisdom and expertise to correct this and trust that our God who is our healer is with you always and that He comforts you and Joe and your entire family through this.
    Love Dale and Debby

  3. Diug Kaherl
    Diug Kaherl August 3, 2018 at 12:30 am |

    In the storms of my life riding above it is necessary for peace and rest.
    You are not alone in the battle, you have a family of believers with you.

    Romans 12:12
    12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

    Stay true and believe, “NO MATTER WHAT.”

  4. Susan
    Susan August 3, 2018 at 12:42 am |

    We will be praying for you all. Keep soaring 😘

  5. Megan @NoSmallLife
    Megan @NoSmallLife August 3, 2018 at 3:19 am |

    Praying for all of you continuously

  6. Donna Shook
    Donna Shook August 3, 2018 at 12:01 pm |

    Love you and your faithful family! We are standing with you on the ROCK of Jesus Christ😘

  7. Anonymous
    Anonymous August 4, 2018 at 2:53 pm |

    Love this! Thank you Joy. We’re praying for Wally and your precious family. Full recovery and restoration! The fulfillment of every promise of the Lord! Much love, Genny and Frenchee

  8. Lynne Basch
    Lynne Basch August 5, 2018 at 3:28 am |

    Oh Praise God! Been waiting for this good report. Challenging word – I’m a flapper by nature, but God certainly helped me soar during Rick’s heart surgery and stroke. All love to Allison – the bedside is a rough position. We will continue to believe and thank the Lord for full recovery. xoxox Rick, Lynne, and Auntie Patti xoxox

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