But God!

The Egyptian army was in pursuit. With their backs against the Red Sea, there was no way of escape. No bridge. No boats. 

But God sent a wind to part the waters of the Red Sea and made a way of escape.

The Philistines rose up to attack King Saul and Israelites. The odds were against the Israelites. They were outmanned and ill-equipped to fight. The Philistines had super numbers and weapons. Imminent defeat seemed certain. 

But God sent a panic among the Philistines. Confused and disoriented, instead of attacking the Israelites, they attacked each other. The Israelites then swooped in and gained victory over their enemy.

The Apostle Paul and Silas are imprisoned and in chains in an Ephesian prison cell. The reason? Paul performed a miracle of healing for a young girl, but her miracle disrupted the city’s economy. A death sentence seemed imminent. 

But God sent an earthquake that loosened their chains and opened the cell doors, setting them free.

No way of escape. A superior enemy ready to attack. In prison facing death. But God! 

The Bible records these miracles to remind us that even in seemingly hopeless situations our God is still omnipotent and sovereign. No matter how dire our circumstances seem, no matter how difficult a situation we are in, remember: But God!

As we cry out to him for help, He can send a solution.  It may not come as a wind, a panic, or an earthquake, but it may be a solution just as unexpected.

He can send a solution that will . . .  

  • rescue us when our backs are against the wall and make a way of escape.
  • confuse the strategies of those who oppose us and give us victory.
  • set us free from the “chains” that hold us back, so we can move forward into God’s perfect plan for our lives.

 He is still a water-parting, enemy-confusing, chain-breaking God!

3 Responses

  1. Lorrie Ingram
    Lorrie Ingram July 24, 2019 at 8:20 pm |

    I needed this reminder! Thank you Lord!

  2. Susan
    Susan July 25, 2019 at 4:26 pm |

    Looking to Him is the key, isn’t it? Trusting and believing He is the one who is going to do the miracle. Thanks for this, Joy!

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