Blessing in Adversity?

He had a beautiful home, a loving family, a prosperous business and good health. He loved God and sought to be obedient in all that he did. His name was Job.

Then in one day calamity struck. His children were killed in a whirlwind. The bottom dropped out of his business. His health failed as he was plagued with painful boils. When his good friends heard of the tragedy that had befallen Job, they came to help him. But not with word of comfort! Instead, their help took the form of blame-ridden accusations. Surely Job had done something terribly wrong―committed a grievous sin―and God must be punishing him. Bewildered and in despair, Job protested that he had searched his heart and knew of nothing that would incur God’s wrath.

Just when Job thought he couldn’t go on, God shows up. He steps into Job’s situation, and Job has a meeting with God. God talked to Job. And what was Job’s response? Awed by God’s presence, he didn’t persist with the “why” questions. He didn’t accuse God of being unfair or calloused, instead he acknowledged God’s sovereignty. God’s presence took precedence over his questions. In awe he said to God, “I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes.” (Job. 42:5 NIV) The pain and suffering Job endured was what brought Job to the point where he didn’t just know truths about God, but now he knew God for himself. And for Job, this was the valuable blessing that came from what he endured.

When we go through difficult times―times of suffering, loss, pain―we may never have our “why” questions answered on this side of heaven. These challenging times are not what we want or even expect to experience. But when they happen, be assured that when we cry out to God, even with our questions, He will show up. He will meet us in the pain, so like Job we can say, “I knew about God, but now I know Him in a new way.” His presence will mitigate the pain. And that is a blessing.

3 Responses

  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous November 4, 2019 at 10:36 pm |

    Thank you, Joy, for keeping God’s word in front of us with your thoughtful posts.

  2. Lynda Stallwood
    Lynda Stallwood November 5, 2019 at 12:47 am |

    Amen! Thank you for the inspiring reminder!!!

  3. Kim Kreilach
    Kim Kreilach November 13, 2019 at 2:51 pm |

    This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing God’s Word. God is so abundantly faithful
    and it is through times of difficulty and adversity that we see and feel His presence so real! He says that He will never leave us nor forsake us. All things do work together for good to those who love God and are
    the called according to His purpose.

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