Be Strong, Be Courageous!

Sport fans.

No matter the sport, no matter the team, their boisterous  and encouraging cheers can provide their players that extra boost they need to score a goal, make a basket, kick a winning field goal.

Encouragement―not just something players need on a football field.  Encouragement is something we all need. And God, who is the greatest encourager, wants us to be encouragers as well.

Consider for a moment how God encouraged a man named Joshua. Moses  has died, and Joshua has been installed as the Israelites’ next leader. To follow a prophet-leader like Moses had to be incredibly daunting. The man extended his rod and the Red Sea parted. He met God on Mt. Sinai and received the Ten Commandments on two  tablets of stone. God had revealed himself to Moses like no one else.  But Joshua also knew the trials of leadership Moses had faced―the many times the Israelites had complained and rebelled.  And now Joshua had to fill his shoes. So what did God do?

He met Joshua and said, “Be strong and courageous!”  Not once, but three times, God spoke these encouraging words into Joshua’s heart.  Then God inspired the leaders of Israel to encourage Joshua as well. When Joshua addressed the Israelites for the first time as their prophet-leader, he instructed the leaders of each tribe to prepare the people to cross the Jordan River to the Promised Land. Their response?  “We will do what you command us.”  Then they declared the same encouraging words to Joshua that God had spoken: “(Joshua). .  . be strong and courageous.” (Joshua 1:16,18)

They knew the leadership responsibility given to Joshua was not an easy one, and those confirming words encouragement  gave Joshua the confidence to boldly step into the “calling” God had purposed for him. These leaders were his encouragers!

I want to be like those leaders. I want to be an encourager to those who are stepping out and into new areas of ministry, service, or responsibility. Instead of being ready  to point out their missteps or mistakes on the inevitable learning curve, I want to be the one saying, “Be strong, be courageous. You can do what God has called you to do!” Sometimes it’s just a few simple words of encouragement or a small act of support that is needed to remind them that indeed God is with them!

How much stronger the church would be if we were ready with these encouraging words: “Be strong, be courageous.”