A Sermon I Have Never Forgotten

I have heard thousands of sermons over the course of my lifetime. (Yes, literally thousands. I used my calculator!) Certainly, many were faith-strengthening, life-changing in the moment they were given, but there are only a handful from the past that continue to resonate with me in the present. One of those occurred over 25 years ago.

My mother-in-law, Rev. Patricia Beall Gruits  (a.k.a. Sis. Pat), preached what would be one of her last sermons at her home church. I remember the core truth of that message not just because it would mark a pivotal change in the direction God was taking her ministry, but because it remains a powerful, present truth in my life.

Her text focused on the fierce storm Jesus and his disciples encountered while crossing a great lake. Once they had pushed off from shore, Jesus had settled in comfortably on the boat and fell asleep, apparently exhausted from ministering to the multitudes that followed him wherever he went. But when a storm threatened to capsize the boat, the disciples, full of fear, woke up Jesus and cried, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”(Matt. 8:25 NIV)

Jesus awoke and rebuked the wind and the waves, and suddenly there was a great calm.  The storm ceased. Then Jesus turned to his disciples and asked, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” (Mark 4:40 NIV) In other words, Jesus was saying: Why be afraid? Don’t you realize I am with you! I am in the boat! 

After relating the lesson of this story, with absolute conviction Sis. Pat declared “Jesus is in your boat!” And the truth of that statement has never left me!

No matter how difficult the storms of life may be, and surely COVID-19 is a storm like no other we have ever experienced―a storm that threatens to sink our boat―but we need only to remember this: no matter how fierce the storm, Jesus is in our boat! He is with us. We are not alone in this storm. Therefore, we need not fear. Just trust! Trust the One who calmed that storm in the 1st Century believing that He can still calm the storms of our 21st Century. Have faith! He is with you! He’s in your boat!

P.S. Is there a sermon message you have never forgotten? If so, would love it if you would share!

8 Responses

  1. Rachel Delida
    Rachel Delida April 14, 2020 at 12:15 pm |

    Hi Joy

    The one sermon I never forgot it was right before Pastor Tony Left Zion. I dont even know what verses from the bible he used.
    But he said that being a Christian in high school at this day and age is the hardest it has ever been. I graduated in 1993. I had a real hard time in high school to begin with. I had a bad virus Ebstein Barr. I was pulled from high school for half the year. I came back and everybody wanted to know where I was. Not to mention I was a cheerleader before that. And the cheerleaders where very worldly before I was sick I had to stand my ground and try and be a godly example. I was not perfect put I tried hard. I quit cheerleading and then I was in pom pons and got sick again even worse. I was so afraid!!! So finally I regained me strength somehow and did not want to do either of them so I worked at 16 or 17 at Mc Donald’s. And boys did I work hard and learn the value of money! But that message from Pastor Tony stuck by me in very hard times.

  2. Darci
    Darci April 14, 2020 at 3:44 pm |

    Hi Joey – I’ve been a member at CCC since October of 1994. I’ve heard many messages that were faith inspiring and just plain great words! The first one that came to mind though was a message we heard just a few years ago from Les Morrison on forgiveness. He spoke about a Pastor meeting regularly with Jeffrey Dahmer, even baptizing him. It was a powerful message, one of the most memorable I’ve heard.

  3. Jeanette Moreno
    Jeanette Moreno April 14, 2020 at 5:57 pm |

    Wow! Joy,

    My heart was leaping with joy as I read this article about the particular message.
    Of the many messages I heard Sister Pat preach, this is the only one that regularly comes to mind in the midst of my testings. It was so anointed and so alive that it never will be forgotten by me. Thank you!

  4. Hannah Blakley
    Hannah Blakley April 17, 2020 at 7:25 pm |

    Hi Joy,
    When I was in high school I visited a friends church where her father was the Pastor. I remember him saying, “every morning you should get out of the bed and say, this is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” The following week my friend passed away in an automobile accident. At her funeral, her father spoke and he began by saying, “ This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” I remember thinking, if he can say this in the midst of his pain, I need to know what it is about the Lord that allows him to be able to say that. I knew the Lord but I was not grounded in my faith. I consistently say that in the morning when I get up and especially in difficult times in my life.

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