In Awe!

In my late teens, Reverend M. D. Beall became my pastor. Although she was more often addressed as Mom Beall or Sister Beall, they were always spoken with utmost respect, love, and shall I even say, awe! After all, no one I knew had such a gift to hear from God, preach His heart, and be used in such miraculous ways.

Then in 1974 my relationship with Sister Beall changed. I married her grandson, Joe, and so had the added privilege of knowing her as Grandma Beall. Joe had a close relationship with his grandmother and their bond of love spilled over into my life. We enjoyed special times with her when she would  invite us over for dinner, always roast beef, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob (no matter the season) prepared by her cook, Mary. After dinner we would go to her den which also served as her prayer room, the place where she received the messages she would preach on Sundays. There we would continue to enjoy each other’s company.

I was blessed to know this personal side of M.D. Beall—to know her as a grandmother—and I never failed to be honored by that privilege. I always remained in awe of this woman of God.

When we look back to the great patriarchs of the Old Testament, they knew God was their Father and that they were His children, but they didn’t address God as “Father.” Abraham addressed God as “God Almighty,” Moses knew Him as the I Am, Jehovah. David knew Him as his Shepherd, the Holy One, his Lord. But when Jesus entered humanity, he made it possible for us to know God in a personal, intimate way that had not been known before, to truly know God as “our Father.”In fact, when Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, he gave them the Lord’s Prayer as a pattern, and it begins with “Our Father.” Think about how remarkable, how “awe-some” this must have sounded to those twelve Jewish men—to address Almighty God, Yahweh, Jehovah, the Holy One, with such a familial appellation—to address Him as Father! 

And that privilege was not just meant for the Twelve Disciples. We, too, can know God as our Father!  But with this privilege of intimacy we must remember that He is still the Holy One, Almighty God, Sovereign Lord. We must never take for granted this blessing of a personal relationship with God. Paul Tripp (author of New Morning Mercies) reminds us of the importance of remaining in awe of God.

“Every word we speak, every action we take, every decision we make, and every desire we entertain was meant to be colored by awe.”

And here “awe” is not defined as being “afraid of,” but rather a “feeling of reverential respect and wonderment” for our God. So today, take a moment to pray the Lord’s Prayer to your Father and enjoy the wonderment of His presence while being in awe that He has chosen you as His child!  Allow that intimacy to magnify your awe of Him. 

14 Responses

  1. Judy Bogrette
    Judy Bogrette September 29, 2020 at 12:27 pm |

    Joy, that insight is “Awesome”!

  2. Susanne Delida
    Susanne Delida September 29, 2020 at 1:05 pm |

    What another great message. And Mom Beal would be so very PROUD of you.

  3. Anonymous
    Anonymous September 29, 2020 at 1:10 pm |

    Thank you, Joy. I really love that picture of you.

  4. Susan
    Susan September 29, 2020 at 1:29 pm |

    Love seeing the picture and remembering……so many memories. What a good analogy of how to approach our Heavenly Father. This also reminds me of how we are an example to the younger generations in our life. We are now the Grandma Beall to them and we now have the responsibility to show them how we approach our Father in life so they can follow. Thanks Joy!

  5. Susan
    Susan September 29, 2020 at 1:34 pm |

    Now we are the ‘Grandma Bealls’ to generations following us. They are watching how we approach our Father so they can follow the same way. Love the picture!!

    1. Susan
      Susan September 29, 2020 at 10:15 pm |

      Oops…double post! I loved being a part of your wedding and you in mine. Can’t believe it is 46years ago!!

  6. Lynda Stallwood
    Lynda Stallwood September 29, 2020 at 2:37 pm |

    Thank you Joy! What a powerful and encouraging word!!! God bless!

  7. Christine Walden Hughes
    Christine Walden Hughes September 29, 2020 at 2:43 pm |

    Awesome perspective and encouragement.

  8. Linda Hoffmann
    Linda Hoffmann September 29, 2020 at 2:54 pm |

    Love this! ❤️ Thanks Joy

  9. Shelley Norman
    Shelley Norman September 29, 2020 at 2:58 pm |

    Thank you, Joy! I stand in awe of the mercies of our Father!

  10. Lynne Basch
    Lynne Basch September 29, 2020 at 5:21 pm |

    Joy: thank you for this insight into the relationship to which the Father invites every nation, tribe, person to have with Him.
    I love the picture and still treasure the day when you graced and blessed our family by joining us. And the entire Hughes family was a wonderful, added bonus.

  11. florence parker
    florence parker September 29, 2020 at 8:00 pm |

    I am so blessed to have been embraced by her love that she shared with all. Mom Beall had the ability to look into the window of my soul and see the attitude of my heart. It seems that each time she spoke, she was causing my heart to be exposed, enlightened, and changed. I didn’t dare approach her with a situation I was experiencing, as I knew she would ask, “Well, what did God say?” Thank you for sharing your “Grandma”.

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