An Ugly Day

It was an ugly day, the day that Jesus was crucified.

The false accusations, a contrived conviction – ugly.

His body brutally beaten, writhing in pain – ugly.

His back torn to shredded strands of flesh by the ruthless flogging of heartless Praetorian guards– ugly.

A crown of thorns driven into his scalp, hand-hewn nails driven through the bones of his hands and feet, triggering excruciating pain from pierced nerves and torn flesh – ugly.

Roman guards gambling over his clothes while his mother looked on in grief – ugly.

Mocking words, scornful taunts hurled at Jesus by people who had come to gawk as he hung on that cross– ugly.

The scornful glee of the religious leaders who thought their plan to silence Jesus had succeeded– ugly.

Everything about this crucifixion made this Friday an ugly day. A day that hatred nailed Jesus to the Cross. A day that the ugliness of humanity was fully exposed.

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Yes, Friday was ugly, but then came Sunday! From the ugliness of Friday came the amazing grace of redemption. Who on that Friday could have imagined that out of Friday’s ugliness would rise the beauty of our salvation.

So at this Easter season, let us with fresh appreciation thank our Lord Jesus for the miracle of salvation that was birthed on that ugly day  – the day of His great suffering.

One Response

  1. Bill & Tracie Cuppy
    Bill & Tracie Cuppy April 6, 2015 at 11:48 am |

    God’s plan for his son we cannot comprehend, but ever so grateful that Jesus was obedient even unto the cross.

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